Frequently ~

Asked Questions

This section lists some frequently asked questions. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, feel free to contact us for more information.

In India, You Can Buy Bio Reach products Via Bio Reach Online Store , Chemist Shop And General stores in your city.

You can get detailed information on all Bio Reach Product Via Email Or Call.
Email :
phone : (+91) 8268004466

You can get detailed information on ingredients used in Bio Reach products Via Email Or Call.

Email :

phone : (+91) 8268004466

All our products are clinically tested for safety and efficacy and are completely free from side-effects when used in the dosage according to the instructions on the product pack.

Each product undergoes extensive research for safety and efficacy and has to meet stringent regulatory requirements before being made available to the customer.

‘My Account’ provides you the following features:

Manage/edit your personal data like address, phone numbers.
Change your password
Review your orders

Once the payment confirmation is received, your order will be registered on our system and we will begin to process it.

You will receive an email containing the details of your order and a confirmation of the same. In this mail you will be provided with a unique Order ID (eg. 124433), a listing of the item(s) you have ordered and the expected date of dispatch.

You will also be notified when we ship the item(s) to you. Shipping details will be provided with the respective tracking number(s).

Your online transaction on with us is secure with the highest levels of transaction security currently available on the Internet by our trusted payment gateway partners using secure encryption technology to keep your transaction details confidential at all times. At we do not collect/store your sensitive financial information on our server.

Users are redirected to secure instamojo Payment Gateway to provide their Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking details for the transaction. The security is handled by an independent third party (instamojo) who certify that the information is correctly encrypted and secure. A window will appear on your browser notifying you when you enter and leave the secure environment. The address in your browser will also change from an “https://” address to an “https://” address along with a small padlock icon appearing in the bottom left-hand corner of your browser. Your security is our security. Upon processing a successful transaction, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address supplied with the details of your order.

Please note we DO NOT collect/store credit card / debit card or any of your sensitive financial details on our server.


We realize the importance of a strong fraud detection and resolution capability. We and our online payments partners monitor transactions continuously for suspicious activity and flag potentially fraudulent transactions for manual verification by our team.

In the rarest of rare cases, when our team is unable to rule out the possibility of fraud categorically, the transaction is kept on hold, and the customer is requested to provide identity documents. The identity documents help us ensure that the purchases were indeed made by a genuine card holder. We apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused to customers and request them to bear with us in the larger interest of ensuring a safe and secure environment for online transactions.

You may use the below mentioned methods to contact Customer Care:

Email Us on
Please allow upto 24 hours for a response and include your contact information so we may respond back to you.

Call Us : (+91) 8268004466
(Available between 09:00 hrs IST to 17:00 hrs IST, Monday to Friday)

Postal Address : Office No.9 Options primo BLDG Near Midc Passport Office Behind Vijay Nagar Flyover Midc Andheri East Mumbai -400093 Navrang Cinema, Andheri West, Mumbai -India -400058.

You can cancel your order before it reaches the “Order Shipped” state. To cancel, please contact us with the order number.

Estimated delivery time may take 2 to 6 working days. The delivery time estimates may vary slightly from State to State. Days are calculated as working days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays. Orders placed after Fridays 10:00 AM will be processed for shipment only on the following Mondays.

Estimated delivery time is dependent on the destination to which you want the order shipped to and our location (Mumbai).

It is possible that our courier partners have a holiday between your order date and the estimated delivery date based on the timelines shown on the product page. In this case, we add a day to the estimated date. Some courier partners do not work on Sundays and this is factored in to the delivery dates.

All deliveries are scheduled through reputed couriers. You will be informed when your consignment will be shipped and will also be provided a tracking number.

During checkout you will be prompted to provide your location’s pincode in order to ensure that it indeed is delivered to you.

All consignments are delivered through reputed courier partners. You will be provided a Tracking ID for your order by the respective courier service provider. You may track information through their respective site for details.

We offer a 100% no quibble money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with any of our products that you have purchased from us, we will give you a 100% refund (excluding delivery charge).

Returns for refund must be received back into the warehouse within 30 days from the date of purchase. When returning goods, please quote the – order number, your name, name of the product and the reason why you are returning the goods.